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AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor

AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor

- ON Semiconductor (Nasdaq: ON) stimuleert energie-efficiënte innovaties, waarmee klanten hun energieverbruik wereldwijd kunnen verminderen. Het bedrijf biedt een uitgebreid portfolio van energie-efficiënte stroom- en signaalbeheer, logica, discrete en op maat gemaakte oplossingen om ontwerpers te helpen hun unieke ontwerpuitdagingen op het gebied van automotive, communicatie, computers, consumenten, industriële, LED-verlichting, medische, militaire / aerospace en stroom op te lossen. toepassingen leveren. ON Semiconductor beschikt over een snel reagerend, betrouwbaar supply chain- en kwaliteitsprogramma van wereldklasse en een netwerk van productiefaciliteiten, verkoopkantoren en ontwerpcentra op belangrijke markten in Noord-Amerika, Europa en de regio Azië / Stille Oceaan.

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Gerelateerde producten Totaal

45,020 Gerelateerde producten Vraag offerte aan van

product categorie

Geïntegreerde schakelingen (IC's)(33,550 products)
Gespecialiseerde IC's(23,568 products)
PMIC - Spanningsregelaars - Speciaal doel(143 products)
PMIC - Spanningsregelaars - Lineaire regelaarcontr(4 products)
PMIC - Spanningsregelaars - Lineair + Schakelen(20 products)
PMIC - Spanningsregelaars - Lineair(1,458 products)
PMIC - Voltage Regulators - DC DC Switch Regulator(372 products)
PMIC - Voltage Regulators - DC DC Switching Contro(275 products)
PMIC - Spanningsreferentie(186 products)
PMIC - V / F en F / V omzetters(1 products)
PMIC - Thermal Management(88 products)
PMIC - Supervisors(403 products)
PMIC - Voeding Controllers, Monitoren(34 products)
PMIC - Power Management - Gespecialiseerd(47 products)
PMIC - Power Distribution Switches, Load Drivers(174 products)
PMIC - PFC (Power Factor Correction)(123 products)
PMIC - OF Controllers, Ideale Diodes(2 products)
PMIC - Motor Drivers, Controllers(221 products)
PMIC - Verlichting, Ballast Controllers(11 products)
PMIC - LED-stuurprogramma's(116 products)
PMIC - Gate Drivers(120 products)
PMIC - Full, Half-Bridge Drivers(90 products)
PMIC - Display drivers(47 products)
PMIC - Huidige Regeling / Management(4 products)
PMIC - Batterijbeheer(20 products)
PMIC - Batterijladers(42 products)
PMIC - AC DC Converters, Offline Switchers(321 products)
Geheugen(230 products)
Logica - Universele Busfuncties(21 products)
Logica - Vertalers, Level Shifters(170 products)
Logica - Special Logic(84 products)
Logica - Signaalwisselaars, Multiplexers, Decoders(476 products)
Logic - Shift Registers(107 products)
Logica - Parity Generators en Checkers(10 products)
Logica - Multivibrators(42 products)
Logica - Latches(186 products)
Logica - Poorten en inverters - Multi-Function, Co(101 products)
Logica - Poorten en inverters(1,084 products)
Logica - Flipflops(501 products)
Logica - FIFOs Geheugen(1 products)
Logica - Tellers, Dividers(196 products)
Logica - Comparatoren(23 products)
Logica - Buffers, Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers(810 products)
Lineair - Videoverwerking(67 products)
Lineair - Vergelijkers(106 products)
Lineair - Versterkers - Video versterkers en modul(10 products)
Lineair - Versterkers - Speciaal Doel(6 products)
Lineair - Versterkers - Instrumentatie, OP Amps, B(381 products)
Lineair - Versterkers - Audio(56 products)
Interface - Telecom(2 products)
Interface - Gespecialiseerd(32 products)
Interface - Signal Terminators(9 products)
Interface - Signal Buffers, Repeaters, Splitters(7 products)
Interface - Serializers, Deserializers(20 products)
Interface - Sensor en Detector Interfaces(8 products)
Interface - Modems - IC's en Modules(7 products)
Interface - I / O-uitbreidingen(10 products)
Interface - Encoders, Decoders, Converters(2 products)
Interface - Drivers, Receivers, Transceivers(115 products)
Interface - Controllers(5 products)
Interface - Analoge schakelaars, Multiplexers, Dem(265 products)
Interface - Analoge schakelaars - Speciaal doel(103 products)
Embedded - Microcontrollers(16 products)
Embedded - DSP (Digital Signal Processors)(1 products)
Data Acquisition - Digitale naar Analoge Converter(2 products)
Gegevensverzameling - Digitale Potentiometers(23 products)
Gegevensverzameling - ADC's / DAC's - Speciaal doe(3 products)
Klok / Timing - Programmeerbare Timers en Oscillat(33 products)
Klok / Timing - Delay Lines(11 products)
Klok / Timing - Klokgeneratoren, PLL's, Frequentie(147 products)
Klok / Timing - Klokbuffers, Drivers(129 products)
Klok / Timing - Applicatie Specifiek(7 products)
Audio Speciaal Doel(35 products)
Discrete Semiconductor Products(9,123 products)
Transistors - Speciaal Doel(16 products)
Transistors - Programmeerbare Unijunction(5 products)
Transistors - JFETs(99 products)
Transistors - IGBTs - Single(226 products)
Transistors - IGBTs - Modules(77 products)
Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Single(3,074 products)
Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - RF(40 products)
Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - Arrays(405 products)
Transistors - Bipolair (BJT) - Single, Pre-Biased(197 products)
Transistors - Bipolair (BJT) - Single(1,988 products)
Transistors - Bipolair (BJT) - RF(57 products)
Transistors - Bipolair (BJT) - Arrays, Pre-Biased(63 products)
Transistors - Bipolair (BJT) - Arrays(100 products)
Thyristors - TRIACs(21 products)
Thyristors - SCRs(33 products)
Thyristors - DIACs, SIDACs(1 products)
Power Driver Modules(172 products)
Diodes - Zener - Single(1,118 products)
Diodes - Variabele Capaciteit (Varicaps, Varactors(23 products)
Diodes - RF(21 products)
Diodes - Rectifiers - Single(905 products)
Diodes - Rectifiers - Arrays(403 products)
Diodes - Bridge rectifiers(79 products)
Circuit Protection(796 products)
TVS - Thyristors(18 products)
TVS - Gemengde technologie(30 products)
TVS - Diodes(747 products)
Verlichtingsbescherming(1 products)
isolatoren(1,148 products)
Optoisolators - Triac, SCR Uitgang(100 products)
Optoisolators - Transistor, Photovoltaic Output(863 products)
Optoisolators - Logic Output(150 products)
Isolatoren - Gate Drivers(35 products)
RF / IF en RFID(50 products)
RF-ontvanger(1 products)
RF-modulatoren(2 products)
RF Andere IC's en Modules(27 products)
RF-detectors(1 products)
RF Demodulators(6 products)
RF versterkers(13 products)
filters(136 products)
EMI / RFI Filters (LC, RC Networks)(125 products)
Common Mode Chokes(11 products)
Sensoren, Transducers(133 products)
Temperatuursensoren - Analoge en digitale uitgang(63 products)
Gespecialiseerde Sensoren(1 products)
Optische sensoren - Reflecterende - Analoge uitgan(5 products)
Optische sensoren - fototransistors(21 products)
Optische sensoren - Foto interrupters - Slot Type (19 products)
Optische sensoren - Foto interrupters - Slot Type (8 products)
Optische sensoren - fotodiodes(4 products)
Optische sensoren - Foto Detectors - Logic Output(5 products)
Optische sensoren - Omgevingslicht, IR, UV-sensore(6 products)
Beeldsensoren, Camera(1 products)
relays(12 products)
Solid State Relays(12 products)
Optoelectronics(54 products)
LED's - Indicatoren van de kreta, Arrays, Light Ba(3 products)
LED Indicatie - Discreet(16 products)
Infrarood, UV, Zichtbare Emitters(27 products)
Display Modules - LED Dot Matrix en Cluster(1 products)
Display Modules - LED Karakter en Numeriek(7 products)
Connectors, Interconnects(1 products)
Rechthoekige connectoren - Headers, Mannelijke Pin(0 products)
Rechthoekige connectoren - Arrays, Edge Type, Mezz(1 products)
Ontwikkelingsborden, Kits, Programmeurs(1 products)
Evaluatie en Demonstratieborden en Kits(1 products)